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Take Advantage of Your Free AD&D Coverage. 

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At Calcasieu Teachers and Employees Credit Union, we believe that you are more than just a member, you are part of our family. We are committed to helping protect you and your loved ones, which is why we offer the following no-cost benefits: 

Cancer, Heart Attack & Stroke Coverage: 

At Calcasieu Teachers and Employees Credit Union, we understand that unexpected medical expenses can be a significant financial burden. That's why we offer our members the option to add Cancer, Heart Attack & Stroke Coverage to their AD&D coverage: 


1. Cost is between $1 and $1.50 per month for every $10,000 of individual TruStage AD&D Insurance. 

2. Dismemberment could include loss of eyesight, hearing, speech, a hand, foot, eye, thumb or index finger. 

 TruStage® Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance is made available through TruStage Insurance Agency, LLC and issued by CMFG Life Insurance Company, PO Box 61, Waverly, IA 506770061. The insurance offered is not a deposit, and is not federally insured, sold or guaranteed by your credit union. 

 Base Policy Series ADD-2018-POL, 2018-ADD-POLRDR-CR, 2018-ADD-POLRDR-CNR. 

© TruStage Insurance Agency 


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